Measuring physiology vs. symptomatology: Using function, not symptoms to determine patient care - Dr. Dane Donahue - 2 CEs (Distance CE Hours)

TOPIC:  “Using Objective Criteria for the Wellness Based Practice”
Hour 1
I. Introduction of Dr. Dane Donohue: 3rd generation Chiropractor
II. The Wellness Continuum: From Optimum Health to Chronic Disease
A. What Gets Measured gets Managed; What gets Managed gets Results.
B. Results = Value; Unexpected Positive Results = Increased Value.
C. Pearson’s Law:  When performance is measured, performance improves.  When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates dramatically.
III. Help your patients to understand “What is Chiropractic: Procedure or Life-Style”
IV. Top 10 Reasons People Seek Out Healthcare and what is the role of the Chiropractor in these conditions.
Hour 2
V. The Wellness Day 1/Day 2
a. Chief complaint
b. Medical History and Medications Review
c. Future Health and Wellness Goals and Life Effects.
VI. The Wellness Score :  “Biomarkers of Wellness”.  Ability to assess health of a patient in 4 areas:  General Health Biomarkers, Neurospinal Biomarkers, Biochemical Biomarkers, Functional Fitness Biomarkers.
A. Provides patient with report card of biomarker findings including bloodwork, weight, BMI, Body Composition, Posture Screen and X-rays and many other.
B. Explanation of all biomarkers in detail.
C. Using the Wellness Score to identify Metabolic Syndrome:  How to identify Metabolic Syndrome in a patient, who is at risk and how to communicate action plan with patient.
D. How to improve your patients Wellness Score in 8 weeks:  Case Studies and Treatment Plans.
Hour 3
VII. Link between Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and the Top Chronic Diseases. 
VIII. Metabolic Lab Evaluations- Measures Dyslipidemia, Dysglycemia, Inflammation and Nutrient Deficiency.
IX. Discussion of Lipid values, HS C-Reactive Protein, HgbA1C, Homocysteine, Vitamin D3 and other important labs. 
Last 30 minutes. 
X. Conclusion:  Prescription for Health
a. How to put a wellness care plan together that addressed patients “wants”, chief complaints and “needs”, dysfunctional physiology.