Hello Dr. !
Welcome from Executive Director Rachel Wendt
Quick note: For a quick return to this page, take a moment to bookmark/save this tab link in your browser.
Welcome to the first ever CCA Virtual Conference!! Please use the tabs to navigate your way around the conference. Each tab has important information for you! Saturday’s schedule is laid out in their appropriate tab.
Thank you for being here and thank you for your support! Some helpful tips:
- As a reminder, all "live" hours on October 24, 2020 count toward in-person CE requirements and those sessions must be attended during their scheduled time in full in order to get “live” credit. Dr. James Chestnut’s session will NOT be recorded. Dr. David Seaman’s session WILL BE recorded and available “on-demand” through November 30, 2020. Only those sessions watched live will count towards “live hours”. All other hours will count as “distance learning” (see below). YOu need 20 live hours per license period (2-year period).
- "On-demand" or “Distance Learning” hours are located under their own tab and can be completed at your own pace from October 24 - November 30, 2020. These count for "online or distance learning" only as they do not meet the requirement for an "in-person credit". Each OnDemand has their own quiz you must complete to receive credit. Remember, of the 30 total CE hours required per license period (two-year period), you are allowed 10 hours of “distance learning”. Each OnDemand course has an associated quiz you must take and pass in order to receive credit.
- Be sure to check out the exhibitors and sponsors! Visit the sponsors during our Live Vendor Chat times on Saturday October 24th to speak with a live representative!
- Want to win $$$? Pop in to the vendor chats for those vendors participating in the Virtual Cash Card and receive your code-word from the live representative on Saturday October 24th. Not sure which vendors are participating?? Check out our Virtual Exhibit Hall!! You must enter in all code words correctly to be entered to win!! You can only receive the code words during the LIVE VENDOR CHATS on Saturday, October 24th! Did you collect all of your code words?? Enter in your code words here! (https://coloradochiropractic.forms-db.com/view.php?id=24481).
- Visit the FAQ tab to refer to many answers to your questions.
When you have completed all of the CE courses that you intend to complete, please visit the "Conference Certificate" Tab and you can find your overall course completion certificate to save/print for your personal records.
Remember your continuing education certificate is available in your account 24/7. We do recommend downloading a copy of your CE certificate AND the course synopsis directly to your computer. Course synopsis can be found in the handouts section.
Understanding Immune Health in the Covid Era Presented by Dr. David Seaman's On Demand will become available on this list as soon as we can get the recording uploaded from the Live Session. It will be added to this list as soon as possible.
A BIG THANK YOU to all of our 2020 Virtual Exhibitors and Sponsors!!
Do you want to enter for a chance to win at $500??
Visit all the exhibitors who are participating in the Virtual Cash Card on Saturday, October 24th during the vendor breaks and collect the SUPER SECRET CODE WORD!!
Once you collect all of the SUPER SECRET CODE WORDS - Click here for the form to enter your SUPER SECRET CODE WORDS! (copy and paste this URL into your browser if the link is not working: https://coloradochiropractic.forms-db.com/view.php?id=24481)
One winner will be selected and the winner will be mailed a $500 gift card curtesy of all the exhibitors who participated in the 2020 Virtual Cash Card!!
VENDOR BREAKS will take place on Saturday, October 24, 2020 from 10:00am - 10:30am AND 12:30pm - 1:00pm. This is your chance to visit the exhibitors and enter for your change to win $500!
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Click on each logo of link below their logo to enter their Virtual Exhibitor Booth! Check out their resources, give aways and participation in the Virtual Cash Card for your chance to win $500!
Click here to enter NutriDyn's virtual exhibitor booth!
Free Giveaway: Fruits & Greens Sample! Visit their booth for more information! |
Atom Physics
Click here to enter Atom Physics' virtual exhibitor booth!
Click here to enter CHUSA's virtual exhibitor booth!
Click here to enter NCMIC's virtual exhibitor booth!
Click here to enter Nutri-West's virtual exhibitor booth!
Click here to enter CLA's virtual exhibitor booth!
Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
Click here to enter F4CP's virtual exhibitor booth!
Free Giveaway: Free eBook - Chiropractic Care |
CCA's 2020 Annual Business Meeting
The CCA's 2020 Annual Business Meeting will take place from 4:00pm - 5:00pm on Saturday, October 24, 2020 via Zoom webinar. For all information related to the annual business meeting including time, nomination slate and agenda, please click the link below.
NOTE: Members, you must be logged in to see this page. The link to register for the webinar is on the page below but is also available on the "Saturday, October 24th" tab above.
Click here to register for the Annual Business Meeting. Only those members in good standing will be approved.
Below you can find your overall certificate for the course.
You can also find each course synopsis for the individual courses. While these resources area available in your account 24/7, we recommend downloading and saving a copy to your computer for your records.
Continuing Education Questions
How am I able to get my “in-person” hours through this conference?
In Colorado, any education that is broadcasted live online qualifies as “in-person” education requirement for 2020. This seminar offers 6 “live” hours on Saturday, October 24th.
Do I need to complete all the OnDemand sessions prior to October 31, 2020?
No. With the passing of our Sunset bill and renewal of our practice act, there was a change for continuing education. Instead of needing to get 15-hours each year, you now have 2 full years to get all of your 30 continuing education hours. Be sure to get 30-hours prior to October 31, 2021!
Will I need to send my “Certificates of Completion” to the Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners?
No. You do not need to report your CEs to the Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE) after the seminar. The CBCE conducts random audits throughout the year. You will need to provide proof of completion of continuing education (i.e. your certificate) IF you are audited by the CBCE. The certificate will always be in your account available 24/7, however the CCA recommends you saving a copy of BOTH your continuing education certificate and course synopsis to your computer for easy access.
You certificate will be finalized after the conference ends November 30, 2020.
Can I sign up for just a part of the conference?
No, unfortunately when you register you receive access to the entire conference. There is no way to restrict your hours, therefore there is only 1 rate for the virtual conference.
Why are the on-demand hours available for a month? Do I need to watch it start to finish?
These hours work as traditional “online education” or “distance learning” meaning, you can start and stop and watch at your own pace. You must complete the quiz at the end of each OnDemand section prior to November 30, 2020 to receive credit.
You will need to watch a session completely, take the quiz at the end and turn in your participation codes as directed to get credit.
Questions Regarding the Platform & Access
Can I access the education anywhere?
Yes, as long as you have internet access you can tune in from virtually anywhere.
Can I watch from my phone?
For optimal engagement and the best educational experience, we recommend accessing the education from a desktop or laptop.
If you plan on joining from a mobile device (phone/tablet) we highly recommend downloading the CE21 app for your phone/tablet.
Do I need to be on the whole time during the live-broadcasted hours?
Yes, in order to receive the credit you must watch the entire broadcast in order to see the participation codes that are required to confirm your attendance.
Can you see me if I am tuning in?
No, no camera component is required. No one will be able to see you during the conference, so you can wear your favorite PJs or other comfortable clothes.
Where do I find my continuing education certificate?
Your CE certificate can be found in your account under the ORANGE button “Continuing Education Certificate”.
I can’t attend the Live Kick-Off day on October 24th. Will the live sessions be recorded if I cannot attend on October 24th?
Unfortunately, Dr. James Chestnut will NOT be recorded. Dr. David Seaman will be recorded and available to watch on-demand later on during the conference, however once you are watching the recorded version, it now counts as “online or distance learning” instead of “live hours”.
Does Dr. Barb Eaton’s class count for CE?
Unfortunately, no. Her class does not count for CE.
I missed a participation code, now what?
It is very important to pay attention to be sure you are getting the participation codes throughout each session (OnDemand and Live). Each code will show for 2-minutes. If you miss a code, the code will re-appear 5 minutes after the first time it was shown and be displayed for another 2-minutes. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION.
With the pre-recorded sessions, you can go back and watch the class again, should you miss a code. With the live sessions – the participation code will show twice as described above, just in case you miss it the first time.