Dr. Clint Steele, DC
Brain Based Health Solutions
In 6 months, Dr. Steele went from selling Kirby vacuums to seeing over 500 PVW starting with less than $1000 to his name, no staff, in a 750 sq ft office space by measuring, caring for and tracking the adaptability of the brain/nervous system. He went from seeing almost all neck and low back pain patients in his old practice and a PVA of 12 to now seeing things like anxiety, Crohn’s Disease, Kidney Disease, depression, dementia, IBS, Parkinson’s and more all reverse by improving brain function. He now has a PVA of over 200 and has stopped accepting new patients. In addition, he now trains practitioners worldwide to move from pain to brain. He lives with his wife, Tina, and cofounder of Brain Based Health Solutions in Maine where they enjoy their life traveling, boating and spending time with their 6 children. For more information about Brain Based Health Solutions please visit www.brainbasedhs.com