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May Bagnell
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Chiropractic Assistants play various roles in today’s modern practice. No matter what role you

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This program is not available for continuing education credit.

Michael Barry
Westminster, Colorado
Short Description:
Colorado Law requires that unlicensed personnel taking ANY TYPE of x-rays (including digital) in chiropractic clinics receive at least 24 hours of training. This course provides 12 hours of training with instructions on how to complete the remaining 12 hours at your clinic.

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On Demand

This program is not available for continuing education credit.

Hailey Jules
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Are you tired of high staff turnover? What if you could hire right the first time? This extraordinary webinar where she will unveil the top 3 mistakes made while hiring and how they are preventable.  You will discover how to separate the HEROs from the ZEROs! She will also share the success secrets to keeping rockstar Chiropractic Assistants on LONG TERM!

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On Demand

Phyllis Frase-Charrette
Audio and Video
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A solid foundation in chiropractic terminology is an essential skill for all chiropractic assistants

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On Demand

Total Credits: 4

Evan Gwilliam
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Embark on an engaging exploration of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) tailored specifically for chiropractic practitioners. Led by certified compliance expert, Dr. Evan Gwilliam, this condensed 4-hour online workshop immerses participants in essential aspects of HIPAA compliance. This presentation is not your typical HIPAA class; it's a captivating journey filled with entertainment and presented in a way that makes HIPAA fun (as much as possible). Dive into practical insights and hands-on activities designed to fortify your chiropractic practice. Gain a comprehensive understanding of HIPAA rules, security measures, enforcement, and more.

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On Demand

This program is not available for continuing education credit.

Holly Jensen
Audio and Video
Short Description:
As a chiropractic assistant, the day-to-day operations of the office fall on your shoulders. 

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On Demand

This program is not available for continuing education credit.

Ces Soyring
Audio and Video
Short Description:
There are no second chances for “first” impressions.  Your Front Desk Procedures mu...

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Live Event

This program is not available for continuing education credit.

Michael Barry
Westminster, Colorado
Short Description:
Colorado Law requires that unlicensed personnel taking ANY TYPE of x-rays (including digital) in chiropractic clinics receive at least 24 hours of training. This course provides 12 hours of training with instructions on how to complete the remaining 12 hours at your clinic.

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On Demand

This program is not available for continuing education credit.

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini
Audio and Video
Short Description:
To be successful as a chiropractic assistant, it is important to know and understand what chiropractic is, what it is not, and where chiropractic came from.

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On Demand

Louis S Crivelli
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Whether handling billing, taking appointments and payments, or performing modalities, chiropractic assistants should have a basic understanding of anatomy.

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